About Me

All About Me!

I’m a woman of a certain age and I will admit to you ladies and gentlemen; I’m a big fan of the younger man. It annoys me sometimes how much discrimination there is in the world, especially when you consider that it is normal for a 50 year-old guy to date a 20 year-old twinkie, but it’s not normal for a 50 year-old woman to date a 20-year old man. It hardly makes sense to me.

In short, this is why I decided to start this blog. There’s something very wrong about a societal double standard such as that so I am here to put the record straight. Why shouldn’t I?

My name is Maggie and I am 45-years old. I was married for fifteen years to a lovely man called Archie but sadly, after two kids, three dogs, a parrot, a hamster and umpteen rabbits, we went our separate ways. We just didn’t love each other anymore. I no longer found him attractive, he no longer found me attractive… We both went on to start dating new partners. Younger partners.

It amazed me how quickly people would judge me when I was out with the particular man-friend of the evening, but when my now ex-husband stepped out with his new younger girlfriend, no one batted an eyelid.

It amazes me how many of the old-fashioned myths surrounding being a “Cougar” still exist now. For example, I’ve been told on various occasions that I am “hunting” and “preying” on younger men. This is ridiculous. Please tell me how a 45-year old woman preys on a 25 year old man that is not only stronger, faster and younger, but also isn’t doing anything he doesn’t want to. Nine times out of ten, young guys comes up to me in the bar. I will admit that I don’t exactly look my 45 years, mostly because I’m clever with makeup and have learned to keep myself in good shape over the years, but I never lie about my age and in the last four years that I have been Cougar-dating, only one man has ever walked away from me after learning my date of birth.

Of course, I’ve heard all the rumours over the years from “A younger man will cheat on an older lady in a heartbeat so the relationship is doomed to fail!” to “One day he will wake up and go hunting after a younger woman because he’s biologically planned to do that!” Honesty, a 45 year old woman with plenty of experience under her belt is going to be a much better lover than a 25 year old girl that has only ever slept with one man and NEVER thinks outside of the box, so to speak.

So there you have it – that’s why I’m deciding to start a blog on Cougar-dating. You know all of those myths you keep hearing? I’m going to completely blow those out of the water. All of those bad impressions that you have about us older ladies lusting after younger guys? You’re going to lose them too. You’ll see that cougar relationships are just the same as “normal” relationships, it’s just sometimes there’s a bit of an age-gap.

I hope you enjoy reading my blog, and if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. After that’s why I’m here – I shall educate you all 😉

