Cougar Dating Tips To Live By

Take a walk through any major town and you’ll notice that there are more and more couples composed of an older woman and a younger man. The term “cougar” is used to refer to an older, more mature woman who is interested in dating younger man. This might have been considered a social taboo in the past, but today it’s more popular than ever and people are more accepting of these lifestyle choices. There’s nothing wrong with an older woman dating a younger man and it has the potential to be a very exciting and unique relationship. Of course, everyone makes mistakes, which is why some do’s and don’t have been gathered below. These are helpful for people who are interested in dating cougars or people who are already in a relationship with a cougar.

Do: Have flexibility.
BlondeThis goes for both, the cougars and the cubs who are dating them. You’ll have to understand that you’re entering into a relationship with someone who is likely a lot different than you are. Of course, this is one of the main attractions of dating a cougar or cub, yet people tend to forget what they are getting into. You’ll have to remain flexible if you want the relationship to last. Both parties will need to make sacrifices to accommodate to the lifestyle of their partner, but in the end, it should all be worth it.

Don’t: Make it all about the age.
The age difference can be an exciting concept at times, but if you make it the focus of the relationship, then it’s doomed from the start. That’s why it’s important to find women or men who you are generally interested in and if there’s an age difference, then so be it. But what if you are interested in dating a cougar primarily because of the age difference? That doesn’t mean it has to be all that you talk about. Women will get tired of hearing about how they’re older than you very quickly and the relationship will go stale. If it’s something you personally enjoy, then it’s best to just keep it to yourself 90 percent of the time.

Do: Live in the moment.
This is an exciting and rewarding opportunity, but all too often couples find themselves enveloped in worry about the future. What’s going to happen in a year or ten years when the age difference is more significant? Thoughts like these will only slow you down and bring the relationship to an unpleasant end. In stead, live in the moment, appreciate what you have, and let time do its own work. The future can never be determined, no matter how much you sit around thinking or worrying about it.

These do’s and don’t won’t get you a date next Friday, but they can help you ensure that your next date calls back. Remember to always have fun and always be yourself. If you’re meant to be together, then things will just tend to work out on their own. Of course, a little help from tips like these is always appreciated.