What Is The Difference Between Granny Dating And Cougar Dating?

There are many different types of dating relationships in the modern world. Though more traditional ones still exist, an increasing number of people have found enjoyment from breaking the social boundaries that have traditionally defined romantic relationships. Two forms of dating that are increasing in popularity are granny dating and cougar dating. Each of these involves an older woman and a younger man. However, there are significant differences between the two.

Black LingerieWomen in their forties and fifties who enjoy dating younger men are often referred to as cougars. Often, they seek out a mate who is ten to twenty years younger than themselves. Some cougars are interested in having a long term relationship while others are only seeking a sexual conquest. Either way, one of the reasons these relationships work is sexual compatibility. Women reach their sexual peak in their forties, and men in their twenties. It is a logical conclusion that partners within these ages are going to have a similar sex drive. Women in their twenties often do not know what they want sexually and older men have generally lost interest in sex. That can lead to frustration for their partners. A cougar relationship allows both parties to freely enjoy their sexuality within the relationship.

Granny dating involves women that are in their sixties and above. Women in this age bracket who enjoy dating younger men are not as interested in sexual relations as their cougar counterparts. Often, these women are wealthy and enjoy the company of a younger man. The variations in a granny relationship are fewer than a cougar based one. Because she is less interested in sex, it is important that both parties are clear about the boundaries of the relationship. Some women do not mind if their dating partner has sexual relationships on the side while others consider it unacceptable.

For the younger man, both situations can be advantageous. When dating a cougar, he can learn and have fun with someone who is secure in her own needs and desires. He will have a partner who enjoys his company but, is secure enough to allow him time with his male friends. Dating a granny allows him similar freedoms but, there will be less of a physical relationship than with a cougar. He needs to know that he is capable of handling the situation either way. The experience and knowledge of an older woman can be a great way for a man to learn more about the world and himself.

It is important that anyone considering either of these types of relationships knows the difference and what they want. Both parties need to be clear on their desires and their boundaries. Cougars and their men can have an exciting relationship where there is a great deal of fun and activity. For those in a granny relationship, the experience will be more mellow but, as potentially fulfilling. Men and women can have a great time dating outside of their age range.

What Is The Definition Of A Cougar?

There has been a great deal of talk in recent years regarding cougars though, the concept is not new. If you are uncertain what it means, you are not alone. Though there are some variations on perception, the general answer is an older woman who pursues younger men. What is a cougar?

However, this does not entirely define the word cougar. Usually, the woman has to be in her forties or older. Some will say that the age can be as young as 35 however, this will only be the case if the man is extremely young. Women younger than that cannot meet the general guidelines for being a cougar.

The men cougars seek are at a minimum of ten years younger. Often, the difference in ages is even greater. Cougars will often seek men that are young enough to be their sons. Sometimes, they will pursue the friends of their children. Generally, cougars do not seek men that are greater than twenty years younger than themselves. While this is not always the case, the most popular difference in age seems to be around fifteen years.

The cougar actively pursues younger men for sexual purposes. They often view mating with a new young man as a conquest. While some seek men for a relationship, many are simply looking to fulfill their physical desires with a young, attractive man. Men in their twenties are in their sexual prime, making them ideal candidates for a physical affair. Because women reach their sexual peak much later, the older woman is likely to be as interested in sexual relations as a younger man. This makes for an ideal interaction if the two have the same interests.

While the term cougar is used to describe any relationship involving an older woman and younger man, some women in these types of relationships find the term offensive. They believe it demeans the quality of the relationship they have. This is because the term is often used in a derogatory manner to depict an older woman who is only interested in sexual relationships. Many couples with this age difference find a great deal of other things in common. They enjoy social activities and exploring the world together. To think of the relationship as one person exploiting another is unpleasant and untrue for many of them.

The film, “The Graduate” depicted a cougar relationship before the term even became popular. In it, a middle aged woman seeks a relationship with a recent college graduate. Today, there are many more films and television shows that have cougar relationships in them. It has become common among many Hollywood stars, giving more women the comfort to try this type of relationship for themselves.

The phenomenon of cougar relationships is likely to continue to grow. Women have the opportunity to explore their sexuality freely with a man who is capable and interested. For men, they have the opportunity to be with a secure woman who will maintain the relationship with honesty and integrity.

Tips For Dating A Cougar

Dating has several rules, no matter what the situation. However, there are certain things that you need to know if you are considering dating a cougar. Finding one and knowing how to approach her are important and is somewhat different than how you would approach a younger woman.

  1. First of all, you need to make certain that she is not married. While this is important for women of all ages, those in their forties and fifties are more likely to be wed. Looking at her ring finger may not be an accurate way to determine her marital status. There are many attractive older women who simply enjoy dressing in attractive clothing but are happily married. If you want to be certain, perhaps the best place for you to look would be an online dating site. Here, you can have a straightforward conversation and make certain that you both understand the rules regarding your relationship.


If you want to attract a cougar, you need to have a great deal of energy and a fun personality. The main reason that older women seek younger men is that men their own age are boring and lazy. Middle aged men tend to want to sit around and they have also passed their sexual peak. Cougars want a man who exudes vitality. Keep yourself in good physical shape. Participate in fun physical activities that the two of you can share together.

You also need to learn what pleases her sexually. Unlike younger women, cougars generally know exactly what pleases them. Pay careful attention to any feedback she gives you. Not only will it improve the quality of your relationship, it will make you a better lover for the rest of your life.

You should know beforehand if you are interested in seeking a relationship or simply having a good time. There are cougars who fall into both categories. It is important that you know what you want so that you can be honest and up front with her. There are even dating sites that focus cougar dating so, you can always post your desires on your profile, making it simple for the two of you to know what the other seeks.

To bring more success to the relationship, make certain that you exhibit good manners. This includes opening doors for her and using a napkin. Though you should always do this, cougars are more interested in manners than their younger counterparts. She will feel more content with your relationship and you will both benefit from the small effort you make to be polite.

Remember that all of the same guidelines that apply to dating in general also apply to cougars. However, there are a few things that you need to remember in order to make certain it is a success. Know what you want and keep yourself interesting and physically fit. Show good manners and pay attention to what she wants. If you do this, you and your cougar are certain to have a great time together.

If you are interested in meeting and dating a cougar, one of the most popular is Cougar Dating – it has thousands of members worldwide and I understand that joining is free. Check it out!

The Increasing Popularity Of Cougar Relationships

Since the women’s liberation movement, women have gained independence, both financially and personally. This has allowed them opportunities that previous generations did not have, including dating whomever they want. There has been an increasing trend for women in their forties and fifties to date men that are ten to twenty years younger than them. There are several reasons that these relationships can benefit both parties.

Women do not reach their sexual peak until in their forties. At this point, they have already raised their children and have the time and energy to focus on themselves. This includes working out and taking care of their bodies. These women know what arouses them and how to communicate those desires to their mate.

Men are in their sexual prime in their twenties, making them ideal partners for women in their forties. Additionally, men at this age tend to be more physically active. The two of them can not only enjoy their sexuality but, a number of physical pursuits they both find enjoyable, such as rock climbing or martial arts.

Just as with same aged relationships, the cougar relationship comes in many variations. Some older women simply pursue young men as sexual conquests. As long as both parties understand and agree, it can be satisfactory to each of them. Not all cougars are looking for a conquest. Some of them want a real relationship with a man who is young and vital. They have generally been involved with men their own age and have found them lazy and uninteresting. Often, men in their forties have lost interest in sex and having fun.

Finding someone to date in this type of scenario has different challenges than seeking someone in the same age range. One of the best ways to find someone for this type of relationship is an online dating site. There, both parties can share what they do and do not want in a relationship. Whether it is for short term fun or something more meaningful, it is important that both people are honest about their desires. Additionally, the desire for a cougar style relationship can be clearly expressed in the dating profile, making certain that each person finds someone within their dating range.

Because women today have more freedom than ever, it is likely that the popularity of cougar relationships will continue to grow. There are many famous couples that have shown it is possible to have a successful relationship between an older woman and younger man. The idea has also reached into the entertainment industry, with many television shows and movies exhibiting these couples.

The concept of older women dating younger men gives women in their forties a great deal of freedom when selecting a mate. For men, they know they can find a woman who is confident in herself and her sexuality. The two of them can find a great deal of fun and satisfaction from the relationship. The trend is likely to continue as society has accepted the idea.