What Is The Difference Between Granny Dating And Cougar Dating?

There are many different types of dating relationships in the modern world. Though more traditional ones still exist, an increasing number of people have found enjoyment from breaking the social boundaries that have traditionally defined romantic relationships. Two forms of dating that are increasing in popularity are granny dating and cougar dating. Each of these involves an older woman and a younger man. However, there are significant differences between the two.

Black LingerieWomen in their forties and fifties who enjoy dating younger men are often referred to as cougars. Often, they seek out a mate who is ten to twenty years younger than themselves. Some cougars are interested in having a long term relationship while others are only seeking a sexual conquest. Either way, one of the reasons these relationships work is sexual compatibility. Women reach their sexual peak in their forties, and men in their twenties. It is a logical conclusion that partners within these ages are going to have a similar sex drive. Women in their twenties often do not know what they want sexually and older men have generally lost interest in sex. That can lead to frustration for their partners. A cougar relationship allows both parties to freely enjoy their sexuality within the relationship.

Granny dating involves women that are in their sixties and above. Women in this age bracket who enjoy dating younger men are not as interested in sexual relations as their cougar counterparts. Often, these women are wealthy and enjoy the company of a younger man. The variations in a granny relationship are fewer than a cougar based one. Because she is less interested in sex, it is important that both parties are clear about the boundaries of the relationship. Some women do not mind if their dating partner has sexual relationships on the side while others consider it unacceptable.

For the younger man, both situations can be advantageous. When dating a cougar, he can learn and have fun with someone who is secure in her own needs and desires. He will have a partner who enjoys his company but, is secure enough to allow him time with his male friends. Dating a granny allows him similar freedoms but, there will be less of a physical relationship than with a cougar. He needs to know that he is capable of handling the situation either way. The experience and knowledge of an older woman can be a great way for a man to learn more about the world and himself.

It is important that anyone considering either of these types of relationships knows the difference and what they want. Both parties need to be clear on their desires and their boundaries. Cougars and their men can have an exciting relationship where there is a great deal of fun and activity. For those in a granny relationship, the experience will be more mellow but, as potentially fulfilling. Men and women can have a great time dating outside of their age range.

My Greatest Love Was With An Older Woman

I know that the media has made the relations between older women and younger men a sort of novelty but that is not my experience. The older woman that I dated was 15 years older than me and she was amazing. I loved everything about her. Her smile was enough to brighten my week and dare I say that knowing her made my life better. My experience was great and it wasn’t about all that cougar and cub garbage that you hear about on the internet or on the news. Our relationship was based on mutual attraction, shared interests and respect.

What I Like About Older Women

To me, an older woman isn’t just someone who is older than you. I say this because someone can be chronologically older but emotionally immature. With that said, the thing I love the most about older women is that they have gotten all the foolishness out of them. They know who they are, they know what they want, they are confident with who they are and they are no longer into the silly games that so many younger women play.

Life Makes A Fool Out of Us All

How did you like my catchy title for this section? Life makes a fool out of us all! What I mean is that people who have lived a life, who have had trouble and who have survived it, have a type of wisdom that only comes with experience. I love seeing that in a woman and I love being with someone who simply knows how to handle life with class and grace. With the emotionally mature women that I’ve dated, I never received a late night crazy girl call or an outburst of emotions. The older women that I dated were all graceful women with great poise and class.

I Like The Way They Look

In our youth obsessed and glorifying culture, women are forced to be forever 21. As if society needs women who are partying, gossiping, and engaging in hook up culture like an eternal 21 year old. That isn’t what I want in a woman. I’ve always thought that older women were sexy. Some women age well like a fine wine and there’s no better turn on to me than an older woman who knows how to get the best out of their looks. Someone who can own who they are will always be sexy.

As a younger man who dates older women, my advice to the men and the ladies who want to engage in this type of relationship is to not treat it like some sort of novelty. Treat each other with respect and not with some weirdo type of age induced objectification. Be yourself and go after what you really want. It also makes since to assess why you want a relationship with such a disparity in age. Is it because you want power, a youthful lover or do you want a real relationship.

If you are looking for an older woman to show you the way, or to spice up your sex life, than look no further these two amazing web sites. Both sites have thousands of members and I have had some fantastic dates and great sex with women I have met there. For granny dating UK and for hot granny dating worldwide – click on the links.

Thanks to my friend John for supplying that article! Love Maggie xoxo